How to stock your medicine cabinet like a pediatrician

Every parent should always be prepared for any accident that can suddenly happen to a child. Has your child been scratched, bruised, burned or caught a cold? You need to act immediately.

From this article you will learn how to prepare your first aid kit according to pediatricians’ advice and where to safely buy the necessary medications.

Checklist of medicines and medical products for the child:


Here’s a complete checklist of what’s a must-have in the medicine cabinet when there’s a baby in the house.

Pain medications

Pain medications are divided into two groups: with the active ingredient Ibuprofen, and with the active ingredient Acetaminophen. Both reduce pain, fever and inflammation. The first can be taken from 6 months from birth, the second from 2 months.

Also, the drugs differ in the allowable dosage, which depends on weight, not age. Read the instructions ahead of time and determine the proper dosage for your child. You can also discuss the dosage of all medications in the medicine cabinet with your pediatrician.

Medications may come under brand names. American, European, and Mexican pharmacies provide a wide variety of medications with these active ingredients.

Antihistamines (against allergies)

Irritations on the skin or in the eyes, frequent sneezing, runny nose and itching are clear signs of allergies. Allergy medications come in the form of pills, sprays, ointments. You need to choose according to the age and weight of the child. If symptoms last more than three days, you need to consult a doctor.

Cough medicines

  • Cough syrup
  • Menthol ointment
  • Saline nasal spray

These medications can help relieve the symptoms of a cold or viral infection. You should go to the doctor if the cough and runny nose do not go away in 3 days. But if a high fever is present, visit the pediatrician right away.

Skin preparations

  • Vaseline
  • Odorless lotion
  • Hydrocortisone 1% (for rashes and insect bites)
  • Creme against diaper rash
  • Sunscreen
  • Antibiotic ointment for cuts

According to pediatricians interviewed, Mexican pharmacy is a great option for putting together a baby’s first aid kit. Other remedies and tools:


  • Complex vitamins for children
  • Eye drops
  • Nasal aspirator for babies
  • Thermometer
  • Bandages
  • Gauze
  • Masks
  • Forceps
  • Antiseptic
  • Wipes, dry or moist

Being a parent is not an easy task, you have to manage everything and everywhere. After all, besides parenthood, there are so many other worries in life. You can save time and effort by ordering the right medications online.

For example, the Mexican online pharmacy is a certified Mexican pharmacy, which has all the necessary drugs. And you won’t have to run around pharmacies looking for them.

Storing Children’s Medications

All medications and instruments should be for children only. Do not store children’s and adult medications side by side. Create a separate medicine cabinet for the child.

Dosage for children is based on weight and age. It’s a good idea to put a note in the medicine cabinet in which you write the name of the medicine and the acceptable dosage in advance (update the note when the child changes weight). So that in an emergency you don’t waste time reading the instructions or calling the pediatrician.

It’s worth storing medications in the original container. Other containers may be dangerous for the active ingredient or not suitable for protection from the outside environment. According to feedback from pediatricians and parents, the best Mexican pharmacy guarantees reliable original packaging.

Remember: expired medications must be discarded. You should also get rid of medicines that have changed their color, odor and consistency – the expiration date of these medicines has expired.

Buying all medicines for the medicine cabinet at one time is a great idea. That way, all medications will have an expiration date of at least six months, which means you’ll need to go through them every six months instead of every month.

Online Mexican pharmacy medicinesmexicorx is a convenient option, because when you buy multiple medications, shipping is more profitable.

Keep medications out of the reach of children, out of the light and dry at room temperature. The kitchen and bathroom are not suitable. Humidity and temperature are elevated in these places, which can reduce the shelf life of medications. The top shelves of a clothing closet are ideal.

Treat the first aid kit responsibly, then in a time of need you will be able to help your baby in time and correctly.